Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Skippy Natural Peanut Butter | Healthy Peanut Butter Without the Gross Factor

Like many families, our kitchen cabinets are filled with food labeled "Organic", "All Natural" and "Unprocessed". Taking the healthy route when shopping is relatively painless these days, and it feels good to feed the kids meals with a minimum of preservatives and artificial ingredients. The only natural hump I wasn't able to get over easily, though, was peanut butter. As much as I tried to like the "healthy" varieties, I missed the taste of good, old fashioned Skippy. And don't even get me started about that layer of oily goo at the top of those jars, with instructions to "stir well before enjoying"... the experience of mixing in what was never meant to be separated always made me queasy. Well the food science geniuses at Unilever must have research to show I'm not the only one who's squeamish about this, because the label of Skippy's Natural line proudly proclaims "No Need to Stir!" right at the top. The great taste of pure peanut butter (only a bit of salt and sugar added) is now available ready-to-eat, looking every bit as rich as the Skippy you knew and loved as a kid. I've done blind taste tests with friends - putting this stuff up against the best Whole Foods has to offer - and Skippy wins every time. Its not organic, but it is 100% natural. Available in both Creamy and Super Chunk, about $2.99/jar.

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